How to Make a Debt Free Vision Board

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Paying off debt takes patience, persistence, and a whole lot of motivation.  This is especially true if you have a large amount of debt!  A debt free vision board can help you stay focused on your ultimate goal of financial freedom.

It’s important to constantly remind yourself of the reasons you want to be debt free.

RelatedHow to Stay Motivated when Paying Off Debt

If you have a long debt free journey ahead of you, it will be difficult to ignore everything around you.  Your Facebook friends will still be going on fun vacations, out to yummy dinners, and buying new cars and houses.  You have to put on the blinders, practice contentment, and just keep swimming!

Delaying the instant gratification of “stuff” now, will be totally worth it later. I promise!

You will get to do ALL the fun things, and MORE once you are debt free.

How can we keep stay focused during the long road ahead?

This can easily be done by with a debt free vision board.

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    How to Make a Debt Free Vision Board in 4 Simple Steps

    Discover your “Why”

    Ask yourself some deep questions, or have a meeting with your spouse or accountability partner.

    Why do you want to get out of debt?

    Less stress and more money are the obvious answers, but what will getting out of debt actually do for your life and your family?

    How to make a debt free vision board
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    Will you be able to travel somewhere really cool? Quit the job you hate? Provide your kids with a college fund so they don’t end up in debt like you?

    Becoming debt free has some serious perks.  What does it mean for you?

    Set Goals

    Now that you know why you want to get out of debt, we need a SPECIFIC roadmap for how we are going to get there.

    You can’t just say you want to get out of debt “someday“.

    How to make a debt free vision board
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    Write down all of your debt and divide it by 12 months.

    That’s how much you would need to pay each month to get out of debt in a year.

    If it’s just not doable with the amount of debt you have and your income, then try 2 years or 3.

    Still can’t make the numbers work?  Maybe a cool side hustle or job upgrade is in your future.

    Revisit your budget, is there anything you can cut back on?  I bet there is!

    If all of this sounds like something you don’t want to do, look back at your “why” and see if that inspires you to sacrifice a little bit now for big rewards later!


    How to set SMART goals

    Side Hustle Ideas

    How to Make a Budget

    Make a “fun” wish list

    Make a list of everything you want to do once you are finally debt free.

    How to make a debt free vision board
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    Find photos of the fun places you will travel, the house you will buy, the kitchen you will remodel, and the charity you will support.

    Imagine all of the things you could do with your income, if you were free from debt payments.

    RelatedHow to Pay Off Debt Fast

    Find images and quotes that inspire you:

    How to Make a Debt Free Vision Board
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    Put it all together on a poster board, a Pinterest board, or a make a fun graphic that you can save on your phone and glance at all the time.

    Revisit your debt free vision board every time you start to doubt yourself.

    Remember why you are doing this.  It’s so you can do all of those amazing things!

    Achieving financial freedom is not an easy road.  Stay focused and frugal and you will get there!

    P.S. Let me help you stay on budget and pay off debt fast. Get free budgeting printables here, along with weekly finance and frugal living tips!

    How to make a debt free vision board
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    Leave a Reply

    1. great stuff Shannon– I’m inspired to try out ideas from a fellow Cairns. 🙂
      Janie Cairns Basile

    2. Post

    hi! I'm shannon

    I’m a wife, mom of three, doctor, and blogger! In 2018, I decided to turn my mom blog, into a personal finance blog so others could follow along on our journey to pay off over HALF a MILLION dollars in student loan and practice start up debt. I hope you enjoy following along, and maybe even find some inspiration along the way.